
Why carry out a BS 8233:2014 Environmental Noise Assessment?

BS 8233:2014 Guidance on sound insulation and noise reduction for buildings.

September 17, 2024
by Sam Riley

Before we get in to the why, let’s discuss the What!

In a nutshell BS 8233:2014 Guidance on sound insulation and noise reduction for buildings is a British Standard designed to ensure “internal acoustic environments (are) appropriate to their function”.  The standard provides guidance for the “control of noise in and around buildings”. Criteria is suggested for conditions suitable for new or refurbished buildings undergoing a change of use and covers a range of buildings such as dwellings, offices, restaurants, hospitals etc. The document contains a wealth of information to assist in assessing the impact of environmental noise and how to provide comfortable internal levels.

Now for the Why?

Why have an environmental noise assessment? 

We are aware that excessive noise can have detrimental impacts on health including depression, anxiety and heart disease to name a few.  Therefore, to reduce the impact of noise on future occupiers of a property first the existing noise levels must be established and then action taken to reduce the impact.  For example, the introduction of housing near a road, railway or airport/flightpath is likely to require mitigation measures.

When a planning application is submitted to the Local Authority (LA), the Environmental Health team are consulted and depending on the application may require an Environmental Noise Assessment which can be a condition on a planning decision; the standard is guidance, but a planning condition is legally binding.

The planning process can quite lengthy so to prevent expensive delays it is prudent for a developer to commission a survey so the report can be submitted with the planning application.  It is also worth noting that a LA can refuse permission if a site is deemed too noisy or if a proposed use is likely to cause noise disturbance to existing occupants.

If a development is near a noise source or a proposed development is likely to cause a noise disturbance it may be possible for good design to mitigate the noise and make the development more acceptable.

Assigning a suitable qualified acoustic consultant early in the process, potentially before purchasing the land or prior to the site layout or building designs being drawn up, could

  • save a significant amount of time and money 
  • determine what mitigation measures are required 
  • whether the mitigation measures are achievable
  •  and finally, is the site viable?

We have conducted multiple Environmental Noise assessments in the vicinity of Stanstead airport, RAF Lakenheath and Mildenhall, the M11 corridor and the Norwich to London railway line and achieved successful outcomes for our clients through robustly assessing the noise sources and providing suitable mitigation measures.

We are happy to discuss your upcoming projects, please click here to get in touch.