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Who Is An Acoustic Consultant?

A technically trained professional who is competent in assessing sound emission from various sources, providing robust technical reports and providing mitigation measures where required.  At dBC our consultants have a wide area of knowledge and many years of experience. 


What Do Acoustic Consultants Do?

Provide technical expertise and advice on all aspects of sound and vibration assessment, management and control. The work is completed across a wide range of sectors including, transport, housing, education, electrical distribution, leisure, commercial and retail. 


What Are The Services Provided By An Acoustic Consultant?

Noise impact assessments, environmental noise assessments, gym assessments, noise at work assessments and vibration assessments, noise modelling using CadnaA software and building acoustic design advice.


Are you qualified to undertake a noise survey?

Consultants are qualified to degree level and have the Diploma in Acoustics, are full members of the Institute of Acoustics (IOA), undertake regular training meeting the required continuing professional development (CPD) standard set by the IOA.  


What equipment do you use?

Type 1 sound level meters which are laboratory calibrated as recommended by the manufacturer.   


How long does the Noise Assessment or Survey take?

Most assessment surveys take between an hour up to a week. Long term monitoring can be in place for years during large, complex projects.  


What is involved in the noise survey?

A review of  the relevant information and client’s requirements, consideration of the wider noise environment such as the vicinity of major roads, railway lines and airports, the prevailing wind direction and who is likely to be impacted. monitoring of existing noise levels and noise sources.


What is included in the Noise Report?

Reports include the relevant legislation, British Standard and Local Authority requirements and information regarding noise surveys, monitoring data, results and conclusions including mitigation measures if required.