Noise at Work
Hearing loss caused by exposure to noise at work continues to be a significant occupational disease. Some 17,000 people in the UK suffer deafness, tinnitus or other ear conditions as a result of exposure to excessive noise at work.
Noise at work assessments are a requirement under the Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 (CNWR 2005) for the protection of employees hearing against harmful noise in the workplace. As part of an employer’s health and safety review they would be to carry out an assessment if employees are likely to be exposed to noise above 80dB(A) during their working day.
dBC will conduct a comprehensive assessment of your site using sample measurements and dosimetry to identify employees most at risk from noise exposure, noise sources which may be a cause for concern under the CNWR 2005. The assessment will also detail action limits, employers and employee responsibilities under the Regulations, hearing protection and signage requirements, health surveillance, further actions and noise mitigation measures. Our reports will ensure full compliance with the Regulations and be acceptable to the HSE.
As noise control engineers dBC would use the noise survey data and experience to provide practical noise control recommendations where possible. The recommendations can include, maintenance, part replacement, screening, noise refuge, enclosure, replacement with low noise alternative, anti vibration measures and resilient layer installation.
dBC has conducted noise at work assessments across a range of sectors such as food
processing factories, engineering premises, within fleet vehicles, timber mills and packaging sites.
For more information or to discuss your specific project, please click here to get in touch.