Case Studies

East Anglia | Noise Survey

—  Private Resident

Canterbury bat

Noise Issue

Noise survey and noise assessment to determine the impact of a helicopter taking off and landing on the nearest residential dwelling.

Noise Assessment

Noise monitoring was undertaken, at the clients address, of a helicopter taking off and landing.  A semi-permanent monitor was set up on the closest neighbour's land which measured the existing noise levels.  Observations were made of the number of airplanes flying to and from Stanstead airport in close proximity to the neighbours property.  The maximum levels of the helicopter activity noise were assessed against the existing maximum levels.

Acoustic Solution

A report was compiled that demonstrated the noise from the helicopter would be audible for a short duration but at a level that was not out of character for the area and would not have a detrimental impact on the nearest neighbour.  The acoustic report was submitted with the planning application and permission was granted. 
If dBC can assist with your planning application please contact us.